Very interesting and exact.
My concern is about the title and the above highlighted text, though. Most people don't understand the meaning of probabilities and statistical analysis, thus I find misleading the use of the word evidence when the title of the article is "... Won the US$100,000 Debate on the Origin of COVID-19." I would have emphasis "... on the Likely Origin ...". Even a less than tiny probability is still just a probability. Never it will be a proof! However, it is less selling.
A few years ago an improbable one in 4 trillion happened:
A probable cause I don't support is that it is maybe God Will because it is the Holy Land. But nobody can dismiss it.
For me the beauty of probabilities lies in their effectiveness and openness. As tiny is the probability it doesn't prove anything. We live in a world where understanding probabilities is a must for survival. It should be taught early to all kids, like writing and counting.