The flaw in your reasoning is that it relies on only 2 small experiments.
In France, people who don't want or can't work are used to get at min. around 900$ a month without condition. There are hundreds of thousands in this situation. The smartest ones who don't want to work take it and go living in the French Caribbean for years. Misery's less sad under the sun.
But most people in this situation can't work for many good reasons. They receive this helicopter money almost all their life. What you don't understand, I think, is that giving disadvantaged people only money is not enough. They need help! Money doesn't solve problems.
Not to exclude them, we need a better society. Nit only bread crumbs from an antisocial system. People need faith in the system, an accessible goal, in addition to a minimum for living decently.
Another reason, why it doesn't work there is that the minimum salary is to close to this free money. Once one has to deduct all expenses needed for working at min. wages, (transportation, clothes, et.) lot of them prefer hopelessly chilling out.
Since this year and the will of President Macron the parliament enact a new law that condition it to 15 hours work for community service. Will it work, since when French administration always fuck things up?
We need meta analysis and cohort studies from all over the world to have a broader comprehension of what to do to help them. We need to find solution for all these modern democracies misfit migrants who increase the problem.
Looking at the growing difference between wealthy and poor people going on, I'm not sure that whatever the solution it will be good one.