Thanks for your response Neela. A lot of people would have taken my comment badly.
What would be the meaning of resilience if it wasn't better than the usual gritting your teeth and carrying on even when wounded? You said: "Life leaves marks, and sometimes those marks shape us in important ways." You're right but resilience is not about erasing all your memories. Only the ones that hold you back from recovery, and diminish you.
As for accountability, are you responsible for all the traumas that have happened to you? You know, sometimes shit happens and it's just probabilities. What would you be responsible for?
With Wokism, everybody should be accountable for what happened centuries ago, like slavery. Until now, it was common in all civilizations, and all peoples used it... for growth 😉 Growth of the country, but also the possibility to grow yourself because the society offers you the means to do so.
In your example of the 2008 crisis you identified the scapegoat, but it is a complex situation where most people are responsible each one in their own way, not only the wolves of finance. And with "We tell children to be strong in the face of bullying instead of addressing the systemic issues that allow bullying to persist." What is the systemic issue? The behavior of bullies, parents, administrators, or victims?
What's new is that we can't reason anymore with simple ideas. The world is complex and chaotic and we can't use old concepts to explain it. Does that make sense to you?