Thanks for sharing this insightful article.
Patricia Churchland Braintrust's opens the debate on morale with a neurophilosophy point of view.
Stanislas Dehaene has extensively work on how toddlers' brains following Bayesian probabilities model.
I reckon that with this two points of view we could explain the base of morale, before the formatting of religion or culture (like with republican morale).
I also think that with these models we don't need anymore any core brain modules like David & Ann Premack were looking for in Original Intelligence: The Architecture of the Human Mind. But that is my humble point of view.
Lastly and as you shows great knowledge about the Bible, have you thought about how the Mesopotamian (Abraham was born in the Sumerian city of Ur) started to build laws and maybe morale, like on Hammurabi's Code stela?