It seems you don't understand that science and especially astrophysics only make models based on the state of our knowledge.There is no truth in it. The search for truth is called spirituality not astrophysics. While the search for a sense in our lives and our world is noble, it is not the matter of science. There is religion or philosophy for that, and you wouldn't be the first scientist to be also a philosopher or have religious beliefs.
Popularization of hard technical concepts is doomed for that reason. Laymen can't spend decades of studying to be able to understand them. That's why popularizers speak the way they do. But it is wrong because now every pseudo-guru is mixing their view of the world with fake science.
Laymen don't want to hear the technical details, understand the paradoxes, and check out if the exposed theories are valid or not. They just want you to make them dream. And you do it with beautiful pictures. Then people think they understand and they have something to say, or worse that it is the Truth.
Thanks to hundreds of thousands physicists and with the help of technology, science leaps quickly to new theories and new models. In a few years actual science models will appear the same way as the Greeks were believing that the brain was just a heating device.
Changing the tone of vulgarization articles to make people understand that our knowledge is just transient will change their impact, leading to less views, because people only care of beautiful and extraordinary stories that make them dream, like art does.
The problem at the moment is about all this fake science that ruins real hard complex science. It blurs the minds and provoke a set back in our civilization. All that with good intentions.
Great article anyway :)