Isn't it the other way around? Fecal plugs are the consequence of hibernation?
On how often, as a yogi, I learned that one should have a bowel movement after every meal, like infants. The reference to diagnose constipation in France, and I bet in other countries, is set to 7 days between 2 bowels movements. Maybe some of us are hibernating?
The other thing that is starting to be talked about is the position to defecate. Our fashionable toilets are not well conceived to defecate, like squat toilets. What's sure thing is that we all should have education about pooping without shame.
The French expression "Comment vas-tu?"--in English "How are you doing?", comes from centuries ago and is a short for: "Comment vas-tu à la selle?"--in English "How are you having a bowel movement?".
Under Louis XIV. certain nobles had the great honor of being able to observe the stools of the Sun King in the morning, and predict his health. And in Rome, going to the toilet often was a sign of good health.
Thanks for raising the subject with picture :)