In theory only!
Scientist are humans above all, thus subjects to emotions. The problem is that strong emotions bend reason. Therefore science depends on emotions and beliefs.
There are plentiful examples of that. However I would take only one of them. Einstein was a believer and from its beliefs he couldn't accept or understand quantum mechanic--this is a well know fact.
It's beliefs made him play with science to adjust the cosmological constant. This is also a well know fact. He wanted a static universe! However he was smart enough to modify its own views.
Still, the Big Bang theory is influenced by the beliefs that things have a start and an end. And lot of scientists believe so. But the Big Bang doesn't exists. It's just a model made form data and math formulas. At the pace technology advances it's highly probable that astrophysics make sharp turns, as we can already observe with the James Webb Telescope.
So, please stop saying science is real. Like you said, science just makes models of the real. Any serious scientist who has been long enough in his field, whatever the field, comprehend that we know very little about our universe. What is awesome is that the future is open, and if scientists could stop being too emotional, like with the fear of burning to hell, they could do much better scientific research.
People--including scientists--only see what they want to see, are driven by their emotions, which are transmitted by pseudo-journalist from mainstream media installing fear and addiction in the population, to the point science is becoming a new religion. And the problem is that it leads to absolutism, accepting no controversy. And this is what is happening right now. This is no science, but pure emotion.