I know that communication is central to solution. Did you read "Never split the difference" by Christoffer Voss? It's tactical empathy make wonders.
My position is that even with FBI Negotiator skills there is not much to say to an hysterical woman. Only one thing to do: leave her. They are acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum. They need time to calm down, before the next one;)
My question is: why is there more hysteria in women than men? Don't get me wrong, I'm not being sexist. I just think that this behavior is related to their role in the society. However it prevents them from finding true equality with men.
I just try to avoid hysterical women, because in the long run it is a nightmare to be with one like that . And for that I check if women like and practice physical exercise. The practice of some sports seems to be inversely linked to hysteria.