He is a believer in religion. He is not a true scientist--like many others. His thinking is flawed by its beliefs.
Saying that the universe has a beginning is a nonsense, like saying that the universe has a cause.
Among physicist there is a joke:
A lad walking at night on the curb, bump into another one on all fours under a street lamp.
- "Hey man, what are you doing there?", he ask.
- "I'm looking for my keys."
The lad looks around and tells: "But, obviously there are no keys here. Why are you looking here?"
- "Because it's the only illuminated spot."
deGrasse is looking where there is no solution. He’s not smart enough to widen its knowledge from what he has been told.
The moral of this joke is the difference between smart and educated people. It applies to everyone of us--including me. Sometimes we are smart, some times we are dumb. Neils deGrasse Tyson make a good job at popularization, not at understanding physics.
Education is mandatory to smartness, but not enough. Intelligence requires guts and will to go in the shadow.
Another argument is the Sumerian argument. They invented most of everything that make our societies. They were a lot smarter than us, however they were polytheists. On the opposite, most of us are dumb and monotheists.