Beautiful style. I wish one day I'd be able to write in English like you do. Until then, please excuse my French. Also thanks for the science in the article.
Education is what powers up our humanity. Without it we're barely simple animals, whatever our level of intelligence, even if there are very smart ones.
Modern education can provide us with the knowledge of mathematics, physics and other sciences. This opens up many perspectives in our life bathed in science.
This science allows us to manipulate concrete and abstract concepts, assess a situation with a will for objectivity and less emotions, and constitute a meta-language in itself. It opens up tremendous possibilities, and there we can talk about some determinism for trying to master Cartesian reasoning.
This knowledge won't replace the emotional and idiomatic knowledge that makes you shine in everyday life. However it helps you to build bridges with people who are willing to make an effort to connect. Because with a few thousands tongues in the world, it would be difficult to master them all, even for someone with Asperger abilities.
English and science are the fundamentals for prospering in a globalized world by lowering linguistic relativity or determinism.