And what do women do to improve their health? A lot less than men!
It is almost obvious to anybody (man or woman) that physical exercise is mandatory for good health. So, why there is a lot of less women doing sports than men? If women want to be treated like men they should start by doing instead of complaining.
I surf. And at the peak there is the good day only 10% of females. Move your asses, ladies.
Don"t look behind. Aristotle lived more than 2k years ago, at the time when ancient Greeks invented the term Hysteria, from uterus. Still, there is more hysterical women than men.
Don't get me wrong, I wish women could be equal to men. It happens for a few of them, but not enough from my pov. And also from my pov, it won't happen until women start to understand that they should exercise their bodies, and stop finding reason why they do not.
Anyway, thanks for the article :)